Estate Planning Process

Two Simple Steps
What is a California Estate Plan?
First, it is important to understand that you already have an estate plan.
The difference is, do you want to choose yours? Or are you comfortable with the California State Legislature deciding for you?
An Estate Plan is not just for the wealthy and is about more than asset protection or leaving an inheritance. Your legacy is important, but at Pacific Estate Planning P.C., we are far more focused on your health and well-being.
Right now, if you got hit by a car and lay unconscious in the hospital, who would be legally empowered to make critical decisions about your healthcare? Who would choose your surgery, fight for your rights at the hospital, and switch doctors as needed? Who would be authorized to manage your finances? Open your mail? Pay your bills? Take care of your young children? Run your business? Think it’s your spouse? Maybe. But what if he or she is out of action too? What if a different family member arrives at the hospital first and makes medical decisions for you instead? What if your house, business, bank account, or other financial asset is in your name, and your spouse can’t get access to it?
If you would like to give your spouse, child, parent, or friend the legal authority to help you while you are vulnerable, then you need an estate plan.

If you become incapacitated an Estate Plan allows you to:
- Nominate an agent to make medical and financial decisions on your behalf should you become injured, sick, or otherwise unable to make those decisions for yourself
- Give your authorized agent access to your protected health information so that they can make informative medical and financial decisions on your behalf
- Authorize your agent to maintain your daily life until you recover, such as opening and responding to your mail, running your company, and paying your bills
- Choose whether or not you would like to be on life support and for how long. People can remain on life support for years. It is incredibly expensive and can bankrupt your family.
Upon your death an Estate Plan allows you to:
- Select guardian(s) for your children, a safe home for your pets, and provide each with financial support
- Avoid a probate court proceeding – an expensive court process that can take years to complete
- Transfer your assets to whom you want, when you want, and per your terms
How Can We Help?
Call us anytime or send us message to schedule a consultation with our office.